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Michigan Environmental Justice

The non-profit has grown in size and welcomed new leadership and needed a new website to match. The long time EBD client tasked us with creating a dynamic build that will make for easy updates and expansion. 

Meet the business

SEO Setup/Google Listing

A big factor for the team was ensuring its SEO was intact and social feed ready. We took the time to craft a thumbnail and keyword specific tags before submitting the site for google indexing. 


The team expressed interest early on for a site that was accessible. Meaning, intent in design, color choice and layout for ease of use by handicapped or disabled users. 

Custom CMS

We built a News & Media section to the site and synced it to a database the team can easily update at anytime. Allowing for new listings\updates curated with the same style and layout as the last.

Newsletter Collection

With a rich network of volunteers and long time supporters we knew early on newsletter leads would be paramount for the team. We placed a newsletter collection widget on the site and showed the team how to export contacts for their mail chimp campaigns. 

A new digital foundation



Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition  has recently expanded the size of the team and its leadership and needed a new digital home that reflected such. The goal was creating a website for the team that made it easy for them to document their wins and update staff, volenteers and sponsors with ease. 

Project Highlights

Project Highlights

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